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Old 12-11-2005, 11:50 AM
hmkpoker hmkpoker is offline
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Default Re: D.Sklansky: Why is an embryo a person?

An embryo will become a person if you let it. That's why I think that it is wrong to kill it. You are preventing a life from continuing its development to the point where it can be born.

I guess that makes me the third intelligent atheist to hold that view. In case you doubt my intelligence, I will let you know that I am an honours engineering/mathematics student.

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A sperm will become a person if you let it. Therefore, it is wrong to spill seed.

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A sperm by itself cannot become a person simply by letting it grow, you also need an egg.

Since an embryo is a fertilized egg, if you leave it be, it will eventually grow into a human being. The same cannot be said for either a single sperm or ovum.

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No, it is a matter of degree, not a qualitative difference. The sperm is an object that requires certain influences to become a human. The zygote is an object that requires certain influences to become a person, it just happens that the influences in the latter case require much less effort. Or, from another perspective, it could be viewed that people take certain actions to prevent the development of a person in both cases, it's just greater in the case of a zygote.

Putting on a condom, for example, is an action one would take to prevent the existence of a person. It is an active interference of a natural course of action, and often done with the specific intent of preventing the existence of a person. Your statement must also argue against birth control if it is to be consistent.
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