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Old 12-19-2005, 02:22 AM
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Default Re: People expect a mistake free war?

You're right, I'm wrong. I was asking some Vietnam vets, you know, the ones with nightmares and sever drinking, drug, and mental problems. They agree, it's very easy for an 18 year old to be far from home in an environment where it seems that everyone is trying to kill him. My bad. It's also a cakewalk to come home, watch friends die painful deaths from exposure to unknow chemicals that their own government dropped on them and wonder if that's going to happen to them as well. And, without a doubt, it's next to nothing to have the knowledge that your f-upped sperm as a result of said exposure is causing serious problems in your offspring, beyond the ones that your habitual drunkeness and violent behavior towards them have caused.
What is easy is for one who hasn't been exposed to combat, especially if your father's influences helped that cause, to arbitrarily commit troops without just cause.
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