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Old 12-07-2005, 09:45 PM
K-mac K-mac is offline
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Default Re: Need a line check in the BB

I think a majority of the confusion here revolves around winning the pot right now because it is huge.
It seems a bit counterintuitive to me that we would want to win a pot (immediately) in which we have a large pot equity edge in.

As I understand it, when we have a weaker or more vulnerable holding we bet out hoping to either win the pot right then, or improve and win the pot later. On the other hand, when you have a strong or in this case very strong holding/draw you focus on building a pot and tying players to it for the very reason that we have a large equity edge and over time we stand to show a profit.

Is my reasoning off here?

Furthermore, ramming and jamming this flop and turn seems to be the best play. In an article written by Izmet Fekali he states
“Jamming (raising or reraising when not holding the best hand but a good draw) is a very important concept in loose hold'em games. It's about being an about 2 to 1 dog when drawing to a flush or a straight on the flop, therefore, you are making money on your bets and raises *if at least three opponents call*! Therefore, if you are *sure* you will get enough callers, it's imperative to bet or raise (ram and jam) to maximize EV. IMHO, this is one of the most powerful weapons when combating the fish.”

I think this illustrates that we need to get as much money in here because we are drawing to a huge hand.

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