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Old 10-18-2005, 08:56 AM
teddyFBI teddyFBI is offline
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 99
Default Re: Opened new Party Acct. Today

To the contrary, I've read nearly every single post made since the launch of this forum.

I have never once bad-mouthed an individual affiliate/advertiser/sponsor; I've only expressed the same frustration that others have felt. Morgan, ask yourself why, since the day this forum launched, the sponsors and advertisers of this forum have had their integrity and motivations questioned by nearly every one of the most respected posters on this forum. Don't try and isolate me, because I'm simply expressing the same frustration that other far smarter and more well respected posters have done.
Readers of this forum have been delivered mixed messages from the very start, so don't hide behind a "but you weren't reading who was saying what" excuse. Yes, I guess you are damned if you do and damned if you don't: police the forum too much and you're labeled the gestapo / too little and face complaints that there's too much hypocrisy going on (when it's perhaps coming from different voices). But such is life, and the sponsors of this forum bear ultimate responsibility, even while I acknowledge you're in somewhat of a tough spot.
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