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Old 12-30-2005, 12:11 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Moving Up Is Hard To Do

Hey badplayer I also have had a hard time trying to move up. I feel that a component is psychological. I have done well at 1/2, but spend most of my money and have lost/broke even every time I have tried to go up to 2/4 and 3/6, gotten worried about losing too much and then dropped back to 1/2. I mean I just ended basically a long downswing/breakeven stretch, but am confident that I am a long term winner at 1/2, but if I drop $300 at 2/4 I feel like it's the end of the world.

All that being said, it is also likely that you have not yet made the adjusments to be a winner at the higher stakes game. Over 50K hands at 1/2, 250BB is a winrate of .5BB/100, and while you should feel ok as long as you're a winning player, most of the long term posters here are likely beating the 1/2 game for >2BB/100. So I would focus on adjusting and really beating 1/2, make some more money, and then try again.
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