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Old 12-27-2005, 01:40 PM
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Default Domestic spying is about politics, not security

Well, it turns out that Bush Co. refused to go to the judges for spying warrants because of who they were spying on.

Governor Bill Richardson, Senator Joe Biden, former President Jimmy Carter and Assistant Secretary of State William Burns all had their phones tapped for political reasons.

I am glad that we can now see the "national security-911-evil terraist" line of defense for what it is: an excuse to trash the constitutional rights that our fore-fathers fought and died for.

We had the capability to stop 9-11, we were tracking the hijackers. Our bloated intelligence system screwed up and a lot of people died. The 'patriot' act did not fix it.

Of course the kool-aid drinking moonbats of the authoritarian wing of the right will try to make excuses. They will attempt to muddy the waters and attack the sources.

"Well, its not like they are spying on your mom"

No, they are spying on the officials that she elected to represent her interests.
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