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Old 12-09-2005, 03:10 AM
Custer Custer is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 34
Default Re: Curtains\' Proposal

If no one wants to do this, hey, no big deal. It just seemed like a good idea from my end, and since people are lining up from all over to get Curtains' HHs I figured there might still be some interested parties left to go through mine. If you're point was that you could actually learn something from Curtains' HHs and could learn nothing from mine, fine, no problem. I don't know Curtains' screen name so I'm not sure from personal experience how he plays, but I can tell from his posts that he plays awfully well. Do I play as well as him or anyone else? I have no idea. And I don't really care. Comparing yourself to others in poker in fruitless and worthless. I'm just trying to make myself a better player, the best player I can be. If I happen to help someone elses game improve while helping mine, hey, all the better.

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