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Old 11-27-2005, 06:19 AM
Garland Garland is offline
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Location: San Francisco, CA
Posts: 351
Default Re: check behind on turn to get paid off on river?

I like the turn check. This loses only if he catches one of 5 outs if you weren't already behind. But this wins big in several other scenarios.

If you bet the turn, he's likely to fold any hand he's behind. However, if you're ahead, you stand to gain a big bet on the river either by calling his river bet or betting if he checks to you.

If you were wrong about your read and his hesitation was whether or not to slowplay a set, then you lose less and get to see a showdown.

The big bonus is if he has a set, and you catch a river A. Then you will have checked your way to a double up.

The benefits outweigh the negatives on this one.

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