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Old 12-20-2005, 08:10 PM
J. Stew J. Stew is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2005
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Default Re: Your thoughts on Jesus

Jesus just had a purified ego, which is to say his ego was transcended. When the ego is transcended, the consciousness can be seen for what it is, which is pure empty-awareness. Everyone has a pure consciousness which is the same thing as saying everyone is a child of God. Religions are just like different ways of purifying the ego. The way one purfies the ego doesn't matter, it's just the transcendence of the ego that is important. When the limitations of the ego are trascended, the person sees from a vaster point of view. The increase in vastness is really just more of a connection to that which they already are, which is their pure conscious-awareness. So it's not completely right to say the connection is more so developed because everybody at all times is this basic infinite pure awareness, it's just that the resistance to this basic emptiness is greater in some than in others. Which is to say people have varying degrees of ego-imprisonment.

Jesus as son of God could be called a Christian view, but Jesus is no more a son of God than the Uni-bomber. There are obviously gross distinctions between them in obvious ways but they are the same in that they both have a basic essence to them, which is nothing, that they both are/were/am. They both had an 'Amness' nature about them which is the same amness that is timeless, infinite, pure, and perfect insofar as we can describe the qualities of perfection. Sounds crazy but that's the truth IMO.
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