Thread: Vodka
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Old 12-23-2005, 02:25 PM
FeliciaLee FeliciaLee is offline
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Default Re: Vodka

I like Grey Goose in a semi-spicy Bloody Mary.

Okay, having said that, here is my take on the differences between vodkas, and why I'm drinking in the first place (when I shouldn't).

I can't tell the difference between vodka and rubbing alcohol. It tastes nasty. Pretty much all straight alcohol tastes nasty to me.

When I can tell the difference is the next day. Cheap vodka means a hangover. Pounding head, throbbing, aching, beat up, "I'd rather die than drink again" feeling. The more premium brands leave me feeling okay. Not 100%, but not ill, either.

Up until last November (2004), I'd never really drank at all. I got diabetes young, and grew up with an alcoholic stepfather, so I equated alcohol with alcoholics.

Someone suggested vodka as a good painkiller if one wanted to avoid prescription painkillers and added sugar. I tried it out, and it worked.

The pluses are that vodka is a fantastic, short-term painkiller with no added sugar for people with diabetes.

The minuses are that it is very, very short term. Pills last a lot longer. It also still messes with my blood sugar somewhat, although putting it into a drink with V8 helps out a lot. It also just doesn't agree with me. I'm simply not much of a drinker.

I'm fortunate, in a way, because I don't have an addictive personality. Someone on OOT last year warned me about using Vodka as a painkiller, and illustrated some personal stories, which were horrific and scared me into thinking about what I was doing.

Try as I might, I just couldn't become addicted. I can take it or leave it. Yes, I know exactly how fortunate I am.
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