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Old 06-03-2005, 10:24 PM
spoohunter spoohunter is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 543
Default Re: Drawing to overcards on the flop? Just a check-up.

I am quite surprised at the responses here.

You are getting 13:1, and it is rather unlikely you will face any more flop bets. You need roughly 3.5 outs to call here.

Generally, over cards are counted as half an out, and I think three outs is a fair approximation of your hand. Certainly with either card being a spade this is an easy call.

What no one has mentioned so far is that this board is the type of board that overcards like best. It is semi coordinated. Yes, you could be reverse dominated, you could also even be drawing mostly dead to a set or two pair, but the pot is big, and there are loose callers padding the action.

If you improve to the best hand, you will win several big bets on the expensive street. Likewise if a card comes (like the king of spades) to ruin your hand on the turn it's easy to get away.

Bottom line, the pot is big, peel one off.
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