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Old 12-02-2005, 12:21 PM
Cancuk Cancuk is offline
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Join Date: May 2005
Location: portleypride since \'95
Posts: 235
Default Re: So I need to accept this job offer this week....

I am/was in the semi same position as you.

I had done two years of school in the states where I was on athletic scholorship, but I got injured and transfered/ was accepted to McGill University in Montreal (which is one of the best/most competetive schools in the world). I was in a marketing program that would have easily secured, or atleast put me in a great position to have a very successful business career. I was in the library about to buy my books. I walked passed the travel section and that was it. It was like I had a epiphany, I couldn't do this. I called my parents, told them I wasn't going to go to school but I was going to go travelling instead. Thats it. I leave for India/Asia in Janurary for 6-8 months, living off poker (although I already was) and feel great about it.
Do what will make you happy.

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