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Old 07-20-2004, 02:51 PM
JayCo JayCo is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 173
Default Most outrageous displays & outbursts playing online (ANGER or JOY)

So I was sitting at my computer looking at 1) the blood trickling down my right hand, and 2) the collection or 3 or 4 scars I have on my 3rd knuckle on the middle finger of my right hand, when it occurred to me I have a bit of a temper issue playing online poker. (I tend to punch my 21" CRT pretty hard when I misplay and then as a result lose a particularly large pot).

Then it occurred to me that just 5 minutes prior I was engaged in some decidedly less than 36-year-old behavior after filling up on the river against someone I had decided was the Devil.

So here's mine:
ANGER: The repeated punching of the screen until <font color="red">blood</font> is drawn
JOY/TAUNT: Dancing in front of the screen repeating "you're gonna loooo-oose" in a lilting sing-song fashion only 1st graders can do properly
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