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Old 12-22-2005, 11:00 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Ethics of Datamining/Banned Software use


Thanks for the feedback and participation in the poll. I just wanted to address a few points and clarify my position on this issue. First of all, I am not opposed in way to using Pokertracker or similar programs that help you manage and interpet data from hands you participated in. For example, lets say you multi-table and simultaneously play 12 hands. My personal viewpoint is that it's perfectly acceptable to import the data from all these hands.

One poster says it's impossible to datamine unobserved hands. I think he basically claimed "datamining unobserved hands" was self-contradictory. Well, I guess that's how you define 'observe.' He thinks simply opening up the table constitutes observation? I think this isn't "observation" because you could simply open 15 tables, walk away (maybe take a nap or go shopping) and still get other people's data. Futhermore, as another poster pointed out, many players aren't even opening up tables. There is an active market for the sale or trade of hand histories.

Next, let me briefly address the criticism of my survey. I agree that my survey isn't scientifically valid or reliable. For one thing, any survey conducted here would be a 'straw poll' that would not be reflective of the general poker community. Next, somebody said I have an obvious 'bias.' I would not deny this. Futhermore, it might appear as though my survey questions are leading. While I didn't intend this, in retrospect it appears I could have simply made the options 'Yes' or 'No.'

Lastly, I think my opinion on data-mining is accurately reflected by Pokerstar's Terms and Service. This is taken verbatim from section 4.4: PokerStars defines an "Unfair Advantage" as a User accessing or compiling information on other players beyond that which the User has personally observed through the User's own game play. We encourage you to read our Prohibited Programs FAQ.

To reiterate, I would like to thank everybody for their feedback and comments!

JeffreyREBT "Wherein I don't promise to make you rich without trying, or even trying very hard; I do promise to say things that will make you FEEL rich."
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