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Old 10-30-2005, 03:01 PM
Simplistic Simplistic is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 380
Default Re: Isolating @ the bubble

still something I don't understand about you STT posters. completely different mindset from MTT and cash game players.

the only time I don't want the button to wake up is with an overpair. i will take him having two overs against whatever the shortie has all-in with 88 everytime.

the shortie does not even factor into this play. the only thing that matters is the button's stack and whether you want his cards to play or not. if you want to have him along for the ride in order to hopefully knock out the shortie then by all means call. but suppose the button has 77, you call and he bets the flop in order to knock you out rather than check it down? it happens alot more often than you would think.

I push, 88 vs a random hand is huge, and pick up the button's dead money. if the button wakes up with an overpair then oh well, I open up another tournament, if he decides to wake up with two overs then I'm >50 to become the huge stack and will most likely cruise to 1st place and at worst 2nd place.
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