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Old 10-09-2005, 06:24 AM
w_alloy w_alloy is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: waiting for winter to SKI
Posts: 75
Default Re: Animal pain, suffering, and death: why does it matter?

I think there will be a few very similiar and common responses to this thread which need to be addressed hopefully before they happen.

The first is by people who do not understand what I am asking. Do not defend animal rights by stating another similiar moral. For example, do not tell me that animals shouldnt be torured because all life is sacred. I want to know why you think all life is sacred.

Another common response I anticpate is by moral relativists who do or dont know they fall into said catagory. DO NOT defend "animal rights" by saying that whatever is moral is what feels right to you, or that we each have our own morals and only we can say whats wrong or not. I understand you feel this, and thats fine, but your comments are worthless here. If you are a moral relativist, the thing of worth you can contribute is saying why you adopted said moral, and why this is reasonable and not based on feelings (I am not saying it is not reasonable for this to be based on feelings, just posting such is a waste of everyone's time).
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