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Old 12-19-2005, 08:45 AM
Exsubmariner Exsubmariner is offline
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Default Re: Let Me Paraphrase President Bush\'s speech tonight:

I can think of several people in the national dialogue who I feel have every fibre in the core of their being and their political futures invested in hating the war until it fails. Their tactics are to go against their own statements of support before the war started, to critize every miniscule setback until they are blue in the face, create public farce which fuels the the Al Jeezera Anti-American propaganda machine, and generally behave like politik worms are apt to do by putting their own interests over that of the country.

Why, O, Why Dvaut, do you put yourself in their defense by making posts like this thread if you disagree with their postion. Most of the country feels the way about the course of the debate that the President does. In fact, I've heard many comments after the speech (coming out of the evil talk radio establishment, which obviously isn't mainstream because the ratings are in the toilet and no body listens to it or pays hosts enormous sums of money to advertise on their programs) that the President was finally saying what he needed to say.

Most of the right wing beef with the man is over other issues, not the war.

Now if you oppose the President's labeling of his critics as defeatists on the basis that it's simply name calling, how do you feel about the use of every label that has been hung on the President by the same people (liar, racist, theif, corrupt, Hitler, stealer of elections, hijacker of the government, etc, etc, etc)? Is turnabout fair play, or not?
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