Thread: America Sucks
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Old 11-04-2004, 02:29 PM
Felix_Nietsche Felix_Nietsche is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 208
Default Can you back up that 100,000 dead civilians with details?

Probably not......keep drinking that poisoned cool aid.

By the way, if a person caring a gun gets killed then thet're not a civilan.

Also, if a dictator diverts resources from health care from the population to rebuild an army and build palaces. AND then the people die...then those deaths are on the dictators hands not a man who resides 10,000 miles away....

If a army sets up anti-aircraft guns in civilian areas, then opposing army has the RIGHT to destroy those weapons. Armies are responsible to take precautions to MINIMIZE any civilian casualties. BUT....civilians are responsible to leave war zones and seek safty...

Keep repeating those numbers, there are plenty of weak minded sheep who might actually believe you....
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