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Old 09-06-2004, 04:55 PM
Lucky Lucky is offline
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 81
Default Picking Stocks and Poker

The consensus here seems to be that one's stock portfolio should consist of mutual funds, or top stocks picked with the idea of not touching them. Basically, the implication is that one can't win by daytrading/week trading/buying and selling often.

Interestingly, this is the same thing I hear from people who don't play poker, or don't play well.

My questions:

1. Are 2+2ers behaving like the unsklanskified masses on the possibility of success in an arena they don't understand.

2. What percent of active traders make decent money (is it more than the 5-10 percent that do it in poker)?

3. If it is possible, what is the time investment required?

4. What is the bankroll/investment money needed to begin with low ROR?

5. Are Sklansky/Zee/other brilliant minds on this board deftly navigating the stock market the way they tear thru poker fields? If not, why not?
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