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Old 12-27-2005, 08:35 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: $11: Should I even be playing?

Thanks for the great advice, everyone. Y'all have probably accelerated my learning curve by months.

What is the profile of a $11 STT?

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30% Love to watch WSOP on TV. Think going all-in is very cool. Have watched Rounders several times, but don't understand all this talk of "rake" and "position".

20% Bought a couple of poker books and skimmed through them one night before their home games. Know that any two suited is awesome because if you hit a flush you're going to totally get someone's chips.

20% Rule their home games with big moves like bluff checkraising and slowplaying Aces preflop. Have heard some talk of pot odds, but haven't followed up because math is hard and besides their style is to "play the opponent." Own 2 or more poker t-shirts.

20% Studied up on starting hands and learned that the way to win is to start with better hands than your opponent and only bet or call with the nuts unless, of course, someone keeps raising your blind and it's making you very, very angry - in which case you call off all your chips with 5-6 offsuit to show that you can't be pushed around.

9% Play tight/aggressive ABC poker. Play extra careful on the bubble in order to secure 3rd place before trying anything "too crazy".

1% Read 2plus2 and make other opponents very upset by shoving chips at them at every opportunity on the bubble. Often get accused of "ruining the game".
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