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Old 11-26-2005, 01:51 AM
Russ McGinley Russ McGinley is offline
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Default Re: Black Friday Shopping Hell Trip

I used to work at CompUSA and on Black Friday two years ago (my first BF in a retail store), I vowed never to work at any retail store on BF again. Holy poop on a stick, I got to work at like 5am (store opened at 6) and there were already a hundred people standing outside. I was afraid for my life when I manually pried the doors open because I thought not only would I be trampled upon by morans thinking I'm opening the store, but now said morans now know that the doors were not locked and they can just come on in. Thankfully they didn't, but we got bumrushed at 6:00:01 when the store manager opened up. People swarmed the store like there was a nuclear war outside and our building was the only safe haven. I worked at the tech shop counter where I normally only got dumb computer questions and the obvious repair work. I had a line of people at my counter of at least 20 within seconds. Someone asked me to go get some hard drives from a top shelf that was about 15 feet away from the counter. I didn't make it back to the counter for another 20 minutes. Every time I took a step, I got hassled by somebody looking for something. I've never wanted to commit mass murder more than on that day. I literally could not see any part of the floor for about 3 hours as it was totally covered by people.

Good deal on the HDD though.
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