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Old 04-06-2005, 03:42 AM
pokergrader pokergrader is offline
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Default Re: A new poker analysis site that i\'ve been working on

The potential profit is what the whole program is made around. When I finish up all the technical stuff, im going to write a file that will explain everything.

But in a nutshell: The potential profit looks at your card and the board, then based on the strength of your hand and the number of opponents you are against, and the amount that was bet, determines how much you will win on average by playing that hand a certain way.

For example, if you have the nuts, then 100% of what goes in to the pot counts as potential profit. As the strength of your hand goes down, so does the amount you "earn" in potential profit. So basically, if you put your money into the pot with good hands, you will get a high potential profit, regardless of whether or not you win the pot. If you put your money into the pot with bad cards, your potential profit will negative.

The "Report Card" section of the website also uses these numbers, for example checking to see what strength of hand you raise with on the river. If you are raising with bad hands on the river, it probably isn't a good play, and the report card will mark you as such.

The main reason I created it was because after having bad runs, I wanted a little extra confidence that it really was bad cards. Pokergrader doesn't actually look at the outcome of the hand to determine anything in the report card (other than your bluffing) or anything in the potential profit graph, it is only based on how good your hand is when you put money into the pot. So as a general rule, no matter what your profit graph looks like, your potential profit graph should be a pretty linear graph going up if you are a winning poker player.
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