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Old 12-09-2005, 11:32 AM
soko soko is offline
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Default Re: Variance in different forms of poker

to answer your question about what has more/less variance, it has to do mainly with the number of cards being delt, for example, in 5 card draw, less cards are being delt out therefore there are less combinations of cards that can be delt out in each hand therefore the decisions are much easier to make because there are less posibilities of what your opponent is holding and less betting rounds to let your opponent draw out on you

In a game like hold-em there are up to 25 cards from the deck being delt out, with 4 betting rounds, there is an eponential growth in the number of possible combinations of hands that can be delt compared to draw. Is it any coincidence that the most popular game is the game that deals half the deck? giving you a good balance of variance and complexity, it's the perfect poker game.

Then in a game like omaha, the whole deck is almost dealt out which has an INSANE number of combinations possible making everything ive already said even more great.
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