Thread: It is HOT!
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Old 08-20-2005, 10:48 PM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: It is HOT!

The fan isn't enough and sometimes the air conditioner isn't even enough, so I keep a few Blue Ice type thingies, but hard-sided, in my fridge, different sizes. I've got one big enough to lean my back on, and there are others fine for either holding in my hand or letting rest on my leg or chest or stomach. Putting one on my neck is a very fast way to cool down, because so much blood rushes through there so fast. This especially helps me get to sleep at night, since it lasts for hours, and the heat can otherwise wake me or make me have a very unrestful sleep.

I definitely suffer when it gets too hot. I lose all my energy and sometimes even feel nauseous. And it takes many hours to feel normal again after overheating.
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