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Old 10-03-2005, 12:52 PM
Georgia Avenue Georgia Avenue is offline
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Default What is Information?

There's an interesting bit of this thread that deals with this question, but it sort of petered out...I think it's central to all of these ID questions, as well as questions about Faith in general.

Here's how I begin to think about it: Information is observed order. When two people pass it, this "communication" is based on shared precepts, language, in which the two people have faith that they share. I assume we mean the same thing when we talk about, say “Blue” or “Turquoise” even though we may picture different things. Now take this analogy out to physical phenomena: we don’t speak the language of wind or stars or Hypoxanthine so we try to create one: math-based experimental science. But this, like the languages with dictionaries, is based on some axioms which are apparently a priori (some might say evolutionarily inspired). So, where does this common ground come from?

1. We cannot easily say that God created it, because we in fact did first. If we discovered it in nature this may be because the nature that created our consciousness contains a commensurable order. So as another poster said, our biological processes, including Information Interpreting (discovering order), are results of one original physical process, The Biggy Big Bang-o, therefore it’s no surprise that the world seems “ordered” to us.

However: 2. Materialism offers no explanation that explains the possibility of Incommensurability or Illogic. Why doesn’t everything make sense? Why are some things ordered, and some not? What about the concept of Dis-order, or Irrationality, how is it possible that a mind designed by an ordered nature could either create or discover things which do not, indeed CANNOT be explained?

So then: Where does order come from? It seems to neither be imposed upon nature by Man’s conditioned mind (2.) nor hidden in nature for Man to discover by God (1.)…

Anyway, just some thoughts…I think this is a key element in my favorite question: What is a Soul?

Inflame (con fuego) !
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