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Old 12-18-2005, 08:34 AM
Warren Whitmore Warren Whitmore is offline
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Default Re: Hobbies

"Am I the only person who thinks it comes off as selfish to qualify yourself in an introduction without first being asked to?"

Perhaps. This question came about after watching Steven Kings "Stand by me" its a great movie. There is this part where an 11 year old boy is buying groceries. The store owner says something like ...your brother was sure a great football player, what do you do? and the kid answers I don't know.

That got me to thinking that it is the person doing the asking that tells you something about them. If they ask you what religion you are first that is the most important thing to them. If they ask you are you a card player? It tells you cards are the most important thing to them. If they ask are you datting someone right now? Relationships are important to them.

What I am curious about is not so much what you would ask about another person first because that I can get from just listening to conversations. I want to know what you consider yourself.
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