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Old 10-14-2005, 06:53 PM
tbach24 tbach24 is offline
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Default \"hey can i get your screenname?\"

I haven't yet said this. It seems so wrong. I have a number of friends at school, most of whom are day students (I'm a boarder) and I see most of the day from 8-4. The only time I'm really in my room is from 6-10 and most of that is spent doing homework (8-10 is mandatory homework). Yet it feels like I'm missing something. I don't have any of my "friends" (to tell the truth with 1 being acquantince and 10 being true friend, they're mostly in the 6-8 range) screen names or phone numbers. There's never really the oppurtunity for it. And it seems so odd.

With girls, since it's high school and I see most of them every day and have time to talk during the day I don't wanna be like "can i get your number?" because that would be direct hitting on them and possibly make girls that I'll see 5x+ days per week for the next 2 years feel awkward around me.

The whole AIM thing seems harmless yet I can't bring myself to do it. Also, I found out I'm pretty funny (I would've never thought so) but I don't think it's because what I say is funny, but my delivery is solid. I'm not sure. So I think a bit of my charm would be lost online, which is probably true for most things.

Yeah, so that's it basically. I'll probably be here for further questioning.
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