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Old 10-14-2005, 04:12 PM
Sam T. Sam T. is offline
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Location: St Louis, MO
Posts: 160
Default Re: Turning on the LAG gear

I'm beginning to look for my inner LAG, and this post is a great one to get me there. (Others are ZeeJustin's pre-flop push with JTo in a WPT event, and Adanthar's shove with Q4o [Q2o?] on the bubble in his recent win.) There are times when you have to shove it all in and count on FE to put you over the top. The problem, of course, is pulling the trigger. I know I should get more aggressive, but *wimper* what if he calls?

One of the question I'm trying to figure out is the factors you are looking for when making this kind of LAGGY play. Off the top of my head:

- A scary, scary flop, as in this example. You're saying, "I've say I've got the nuts or damn close. Do you believe me?"
- On the bubble against the "I just don't want to bust with ten players left" crowd.
-Against loose or LP raisers, preferably if they've shown the ability to lay down to a push.

What other factors make you think that you can get the villain to lay down to a push with a good sized pot (to which he is not committed)?
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