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Old 02-14-2005, 02:32 PM
SlowStroke SlowStroke is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Las Vegas
Posts: 26
Default Re: Extremely Successful Player Raises EVERY hand...

Over the years I have seen many of these players. Hyper aggressive, running all over the table, sitting behind a mountain of chips.

It seems to go on day after day, I marvel at how they do it. I start thinking - maybe I should try that style, they really seem to be on to something.

Then I come in one day, and they are gone. I start asking around and find out that they owe money to everyone. They had to quit this poker room because they finally ran out of people to borrow money from.

Meanwhile, the old rocks are still there, year after year. Everyone makes fun of the rocks, how easy they are to read, how easy they are to bluff. And of course, how they refuse to loan money to anyone.

In the long run Clark Kent gets the money and Superman goes broke.
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