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Old 12-24-2005, 07:58 PM
Posts: n/a

It is easy to make the rake at Party but I urge one caution for new unseasoned players.

Stay on the beginners tables where the variance won't rob you of your prospects. Higher stakes may seem like a good proposition but a few blunders and your bank will dissapear before you get to the money.

When you go to the beginner tables uncheck the box for hide full tables. You will find .15/.30 soft Limit games that only take a few minutes wait before you get seated.

Many new players do not realize the rake requirements (can be confusing to a new player) are very easy at Party. I can best explain this by saying it will take about 10 hours of play at the lowest stake limit games to make your rake required hands and release the money fully to you. This includes hands you do not even bet into and fold before calling the blind. It does not include hands played while sitting out and is why I fully suggest playing the lowest stake Limit games.

The previous poster is also correct. Follow those PSO instructions to the letter. PSO is a great group but they do have rules which are all the better for everyone so follow them closely. If you run into any thing you need help with visit them at the PSO SUPPORT forum. They are allways there to help.

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