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Old 08-20-2005, 11:56 PM
TStoneMBD TStoneMBD is offline
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Default Re: considering getting a different type of poker coach

non-c its called mild depression. you might not even really think you are depressed, but you certainly could be. if other people around you think you are depressed then thats a strong sign. i know from my own experiences that i have suffered depression when i didnt think i was depressed and antidepressants helped me. i was prescribed welbutrin and it had quite an amazing effect. however, i stopped taking it despite the positive results because i really didnt like the idea of being on anti-depressants.

there are people out there who naturally have low serotonin levels in their brain which causes depression even if they are living good lives. anti-depressants are used to raise serotonin levels. there are some people who need to take anti-depressants their entire lives to correct this imbalance and as long as they continue their medication they live happy lives. i am finding that i may be one of these people. of course, there are many debates on the issue of anti-depressants. many people believe that this should not be a way of life and they feel that people who feel that they need anti-depressants should find otherways to increase happiness in their lives. i am not arguing that they are wrong, because in many aspects i think they may be right. i really dont know enough about each side of the arguement to have a fair judgment. all i know is that anti-depressants did have a positive effect on me.

there are online sites where you can order anti-depressants without needing a prescription. check out google if you want to. taking anti-depressants can be dangerous if your body does not need them, so you may want to see a psychiatrist for them instead. however, he will probably want to see you for many sessions before deciding whether you need them or not and you may not want to endure them. you can try anti-depressants on your own, but i recommend that you do alot of research first on whether you think its a good idea or not. i am not a doctor, so i do not know whats best for you. i am simply showing you some options. if you do decide to go on anti-depressants realize that it may take up to a month to start feeling the effects, so if you purchase them you need to be commited to fulfilling at least a month's worth of dosage before deciding to quit.

i am considering going back on anti-depressants myself to see if it brings a positive effect. i dont like talking about these things because talking about chemical imbalances and depression is simply embarrassing. however, i thought i should be real about the issue.

hope things work out for you. this post took me 15 minutes to write and my current life coach rate is $80/hr so ill be expecting $20 in my neteller account after fees. thanks and come again.
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