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Old 12-07-2005, 02:43 PM
PTjvs PTjvs is offline
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Default Re: Are Winrates Normally Distributed?

My gut instinct says this is because the raw +$/hand won is greater than the -$/hand you lose (due to some pots being multiway). Generally speaking, your small chunks of hands will break down as follows:

1) Many where you don't win big pots and you are slightly -$

2) Slightly fewer where you win enough hands to have a small +$

3) A few where you win a big hand or two & are very +$.

4) A few where you lose a few big pots & are very -$ (less however than your big +$ chunks, since due to multiway pots, the amount you WIN if big pots is larger than the amount you LOSE in the same big pot)

This should leader to a bell curve is NOT evenly distributed, but peaks on the - side, with the difference being made up by the curve coming down less steeply on postive end.

I hope I described that well, I'd do one in MS paint, but I'm a very bad artist.

if i am correct however, if you took the same data from HU play, it SHOULD look like a normal bell curve, as the effect of multiway play is completely eliminated.

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