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Old 12-20-2005, 01:51 AM
stillbr stillbr is offline
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Default Who should be sided with in this fantasy football situation?

Person B scored 107 pts.

Person A scrored 90 pts.

Here is the problem though. Person A called the Commishes cell phone at 1130am on sunday to tell him that he was unable to get to a computer and to sub two of his players. The players he wanted subed were Heath Miller for LJ smith, and Keenan Mcardell for Hines ward. However because the commish was out of town and didnt listen to his messages he was unable to sub those players. If they had been subed player A would have scored 108, beating Person B.

So..who should be sided with? Should the commish side with A because he was left a message before the games started? or should the commish side with person B because this is just part of fantasy & person A could have easily called someone else and gotten them to do it?
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