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Old 09-25-2005, 08:15 PM
lil feller lil feller is offline
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 66
Default Re: A2s in a 10/20 game. flop and turn questions.

I'm slightly confused by your implied odds statement. True you're putting in 1bb as opposed to 1sb, but so is the rest of the field. So...

If you call 1sb preflop, flop a flush draw and call 1.5bb to get there your investing 2bb to see the river card. there would be 3.5 bb in the pot preflop. Combine this with 1.5bb from other players on the flop and 2bb on the turn (3 flop callers and 2 turn callers) there ends up being 7bb in the pot when you see the river card. I don't pretend to be an expert at all of this, but that looks to me like risking 2bb to see a river card in a 7bb pot, or 3.5 to 1.

Now if you call 1bb preflop, that total investment increases by 1/2 of 1 bb, so a total of 2.5bb. The pot size, however, increases dramatically (3.5bb, assuming same post flop action). So now your risking 2.5bb to win at least 10.5BB which is 4.2:1. Both examples assume that you collect no bets on the river (since obviously you won't hit).

The chance of flopping a draw in this situation remains the same whether preflop is raised or not, doesn't it? Like I said i'm not claiming that anything I stated above is correct or applicable, and if it isn't please correct me, but I don't see how the pot being bigger preflop hurts your implied odds.

Wouldn't you consider raising with this hand if there were that many limpers to you? I would. Maybe thats a mistake, but its one that is recommended in HPFAP. Would you raise this hand out of your BB w/ 6 players in the pot? I would, again as recommended in HPFAP.

I'm really not trying to be combative, but small suited aces have always been a problem for me, and i'm really trying to identify situations where playing them is a good move, and too me this looks like about as good of a spot as you can ask for, especially if the blinds are loose.

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