Thread: math quiz
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Old 12-20-2005, 06:03 PM
A_PLUS A_PLUS is offline
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 44
Default Re: math quiz

60%, thought went like this
hit my straight about 16% of the time, so if he calls, I win
10K x 16% = 1,600

I'm missing 2,400 in equity, 4,000 in the pot, if he folds 60%, I should be even

2.) Dont use pokerstove when I play, so this is off the top of my head. I know I need about 40% equity, which will be hands like 2OCs vs a PP, SC vs. AXo (we are higher than X), KJo vs lower SC.
22+ (b/c the unpaired hands are way more likelY
suited connectors T9s+

b) SC (76s+)

3.) 11K total, pot, I need to get 4 (in expectation) to make the call. About 36% of the time. If he has a King 33% of the time, I have 3 outs twice (unless he has 2p, or turns 2p, or resucks 2p), but he has more than that when he has 7X, so we may need a higher % than 33%. I say around 40%, to account for the fact that when he is behind, he is drawing liver than us.

I like this idea a lot. I need practice making decisions quickly
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