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Old 08-27-2005, 04:47 PM
MicroBob MicroBob is offline
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Default Re: Mike Matasow is a raving lunatic

Walking down the long hallway in the RIO to the WSOP there was some other 'convention' taking place.

I walked past one of their rooms and the sign out front said "Borderline Personality Disorders". I'm sure I wasn't the only one who thought they should have been holding their meeting a couple hundred feet further in the main playing room.

In chess a few years ago there was drug-testing in many tournaments as part of the international chess federations' drive to get into the Olympics.
Most in the chess community thought it was about as retarded as anyone here would think.
And it wasn't JUST a suggestion. It was reality. They actually had drug-testing in chess tournaments.
Thankfully it ended when chess realized that trying to get into the Olymics was a pretty stupid idea.

As I recall...the US Chess Federation went public in their disagreement with the International Chess Fed's olympic-drive and drug-testing which sparked a bit of contraversy as well.
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