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Old 09-16-2005, 08:27 PM
fluxrad fluxrad is offline
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Default Re: A question for libertarians.

I have two responses since I don't feel like composing an essay on this.

As a libertarian, my response to your first three questions is this: what business of it is anyone what drugs I choose to injest, or what guns I have in my closet, until I affect someone else adversely with either? What difference does it make to you until I kill you with my bullets, or drive my car into the side of your house. When that happens, then there is a violation. Then, there is a fracture of the law.

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History has shown time and time again that this attitude is an extremely dangerous one. Particularly because by the time you try to fix a problem that has become immediate, it is usually to late. This is where I cite Germany 1939 and the New Orleans levies as two examples.

I also take extreme offense at your notion that I somehow hate freedom. Would that we could live in absolute freedom. I would most certainly be the first in line to vote for whoever could make that possible. But we cannot. If you truly believed in absolute freedom, you would be an anarchist. If you do not consider yourself one, then answer the following questions:

1. Why do you believe that we need any form of government if we are capable of living with absolute freedom?
2. If you think we can exist with both, then what is the purpose of the government's existence?
3. As a corollary, am I free not to pay my taxes in a truly libertarian society? If you argue that I am "free to suffer the consequences" by spending time in prison, then I would argue that we are all absolutely free right now.
4. If you believe there must be some limit on freedoms based, if for nothing else, on the establishment of a working government then how can you say that I hate freedom when you are perfectly willing to restrict people's freedoms. It would seem you just favor a few less restrictions (again, I haven't said where I stand. I've just criticized where you stand).

Animals in the wild do not need to be told to prepare their youth for adulthood, and we should not have to tell parents to prepare their children, either.

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Yes. There are a lot of things that shouldn't be the way they are.
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