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Old 12-13-2005, 03:10 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Pwned by Freddie Deeb, WPT Bellagio ME


Freddy's range of hands is too large, and as such, I like your intent to keep the pot small. As long as the river isn't a heart, you are getting nice EV for your kings, especially given the scary board. Unfortunately, in this situation, you don't prepare yourself at all for the worst -if a fourth heart comes out.

I fold the river here - I don't see how you win this. at this point.

If it were me, I would have bet out the flop here. My intent would not be to keep this pot small on wait for cards. I would bet the pot on the flop and hope that Deeb folds. If he reraises, I can put him all-in with 2 more kings and four tens to the straight draw. If he has a set, then so be it.

I don't know what your stack size is on the 2nd level. However, this funky on Freddy's behalf. I push.

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