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Old 12-22-2005, 12:22 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Uggggly spot with AJ -- 400NL

Part of my justification for a push was based on the hero's image of the blinds. SB sounded like he could be betting a good number of hands we could beat. Also, his play so far doesn't really look to me like a set or a straight. He could have AK, KJ, or possibly just a pair of aces based on hero's read.

Also, I think we are way too strong here to fold, or fold on river (assuming river isn't club, Q, or T). Also, since we are pretty sure one guy is drawing, we can't count on improving, and a good number of scare cards really hurt our hand, I think pushing is better than calling.

In my first post and this one, I'm not saying I'm jumping to get my chips in the pot, and I'm not sure I want a call, but pushing seems like a better choice than folding or calling, especially given the reads from hero.

Denutz: I think you summed up what i'm saying pretty well in the last paragraph of your post
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