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Old 06-25-2005, 01:00 PM
SomethingClever SomethingClever is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 3
Default Severe jaw pain... what to do?

So, I've had some issues with grinding my teeth at night before that resulted in minor jaw pain.

I got one of those night guards, but I never wore it much because I actually found myself grinding more when it was on.

Flash forward a couple years to yesterday. I wake up with a slightly sore jaw on the left side, nothing major.

During the day it gets worse. I play basketball at 1:30, and when I'm done, the pain is markedly worse.

It gets worse all night until I go to bed, at which point it's excruciating. When I close my mouth, it's like the right side touches first, so it feels like my bite is all messed up.

It feels mildly better this morning... should I wait it out until Monday, or do I need to see a doctor pronto?
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