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Old 12-14-2005, 10:05 AM
BCPVP BCPVP is offline
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Default Re: M for Murder

How about the part about no evidence of gas chambers? That's a pretty strong statement which should be easy to disprove, if untrue. Is there any evidence of gas chambers that you know of?

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This Zundel guy hasn't heard of google, I guess...

Demolished by the Nazis as they fled...

Guess how long these took to find? According to google, it was .36 seconds.

The issue of first degree murder is important because if it's not, then it diminishes the holocaust as the number one "crime against humanity" of the 20th century

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The Final Solution is the evidence of first degree murder. Individual Nazis who took part in it are culpable for bringing it to be either by actively participating in it or doing nothing to stop it (depraved indifference). I won't get into an argument over whether it was the "number one crime against humanity in the 20th century", because there's no point to doing so.

Truly objective media would focus on murderous regimes in proportion to the number of lives exterminated. Using this benchmark, Stalin's Soviet Communists are by far the number one serial killer of the 20th century, followed by Communist China, with Hitler and his Nazis coming third.

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So...maybe we should all just say "Weeeelllll, Hitler wasn't really that bad. Stalin was worse." See how stupid this is? All three dictators are all the some of the most awful people to walk the earth.

An innocent bystander who gets his info. from the media, however, is left with the impression that Hitler was by far the number one bad guy and from all objective accounts this is simply wrong. Working on trying to correct this gross error is a noble pursuit IMO.

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Drop the media-phobia. If you aren't getting your information from personal interviews, you're getting it from some sort of medium.
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