Thread: women drivers?
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Old 12-11-2005, 07:27 PM
Darryl_P Darryl_P is offline
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Default Re: women drivers?

I think a lot of the inherent differences between men and women are related to the theory (fact?) that men hunted while women took care of kids and gathered for thousands of years during our evolution.

For example, men generally talk only when there is something to say while women tend to chit chat about anything and everything. A hunter might lose his concentration or scare away his prey by talking unnecessarily. A gatherer talks to help pass the time. Makes sense, right?

Also, men are better at thinking deeply about a single complex problem that requires concentration while women are better multi-taskers. Again, men had to concentrate to hunt while women had to multi-task.

I suppose driving a car well is more like hunting than gathering, so that could be why men are better at it.

I think it's also close to fact status that men are genetically better at math and sciences than women, and that women are better at languages.

So the short answer to your question is yes, not only can they but they already did.
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