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Old 09-29-2005, 04:23 AM
MicroBob MicroBob is offline
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Default Re: an \"expert\'s\" comments on online poker

Well...i did say that it was 'semi-articulate'.

Have you ever heard Dr. Phil speak about the evils of online-gambling (or anything else for that matter)?

I think he's a moron. You probably do to.
but his opinions DO influence people because there are SOME people who think he's a freaking genius and that he really IS an expert on EVERYTHING.

I'm happy that this Katz guy isn't able to make a more intelligent argument (if he was...then he would actually be smart enough to realize that it's wrong)...but the fact is, his argument IS convincing to plenty of people who know nothing about gambling or poker or how it works.

I guarantee you that if my Mom saw this article (which she will soon since I posted it my blog) she would immediately get worried.
She knows that I have made my income from poker for the past year and a half.
But this guy is the 'expert' and HE says it can't be beaten. So I would have to tell my mom that HE is the idiot and that I actually do have a clue what I'm doing and I can confirm that this guy is just making stuff up.

Just thinking of how my Mom or a couple other relatives might react to this article is enough to convince me that this guy actually COULD have an impact.
If anything, the spreading of this kind of incorrect info can dissaude a new player from giving online-poker a try and thereby could stunt growth.
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