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Old 11-29-2005, 02:05 AM
JTrout JTrout is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 471
Default Sould I find another affiliate?

My affiliate sends me an e-mail informing me that he has a way to get rakeback at that site we aren't supposed to talk about.

Says that if I have AIM, to IM him. I don't have AIM.
I've tried, unsuccessfully, to download it and get it working. What can I say. I'm an idiot.

I e-mail him and say I'm very interested in getting rakeback, but cannot get AIM to work. Is there another way to comunicate?

Couple days go by. Nothing.

I e-mail again.
He e-mails back and says do I have AIM, and to IM him.

I e-mail back again and say, no,...blah,blah,blah..

Couple more days, nothing.

Granted, it's bean a Holiday and all.

So I guess I'll give it a couple of more days, then go fishing for an affiliate that accepts a moron without AIM.

What's a good fraction to get from a place that really doesn't offer you-know-what?

I've seen a poll that went from really bad all the way up to really good. I'd like at least pretty good from a reliable person.

That's all, I guess.
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