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Old 11-20-2005, 09:32 PM
soko soko is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 384
Default Re: Doyles big laydown

I'm sure players were much more passive back in those days, so much so that this might be possible.

Doyle raises before the flop so the chance that any of them have the straight is almost nil

it's capped on on the flop and he is holding 2 of the aces, nobody reraised him before the flop so he isnt expecting anyone to be holding an ace worthy of a reraise/cap on this flop so he believes he is up agianst a set

the turn pairs and they are betting out, he lays it down.

pretty incredible if true, the game was nothing like it is nowadays, maybe he had an awesome read that he could tell they were holding sets on the flop.
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