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Old 08-24-2005, 10:09 AM
nicky g nicky g is offline
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Default Re: Iraq War (a few facts)

"1. The current war in Iraq is actually a continuation of the one in which Iraq invaded Kuwait. That war never oficially ended. A cease fire was agreed to by Saddam Hussein. He broke the cease fire agreement when he jacked around with the UN inspectors for 10 years. Clinton didn't have time to get BJ's from Monica and perform his job at the same time, so all we had was a 10 year intermission."

Mmm. But it was the UN security council that passed the resolution declaring war, and the UN Security Council that then suspended that declaraton through another resolution that declared a ceasefire. The only organisation that could lift that ceasefire was the UN Security Council.

"2. Anyone who believes there were no WMD's is naive. Just ask the Kurds."

Have you heard of the concept of time? It's a far-out hypothesis that would allow the possibility of Iraq possessing WMDs in the 1980s, and yet possessing them in 2003. DOn't worry if you can;t quite get a grasp of it, it's a little tricky. Ignoring such fantastic theories, your logic is perfect.

"5. Even if we relocated Israel to Greenland and gave the whole country to the Palestinians the crazy Arabs would find something else to fight about. Go read your pre-WWII Middle East history."

What has this got to do with the Gulf War? And perhaps, given your obvious extensive historical knowledge of the Arabic world, you could elucidate on this history of fighting and show us how much more peaceful the rest of the world was than these crazy Arabs in those periods? not
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