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Old 12-27-2005, 07:45 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: being too predictable

How did you pick the ring you are playing at in the B&M?

Did you look for the looser tables (number of players staying in the action), tourist in the action (some are obvious look at the clothes), drinks flowing, chat in full progress, pot sizes, players looking away from the table when they are not in active hands, and much laughter?

I seldom enter a B&M, even those I frequently go to, without planning on just observing who's doing what in the card room first.

I don't just stand around looking obvious but usually will get someone into a conversation while im really paying attention to whats going on in the room. A few minutes spent doing that can have a dramatic effect on what you encounter when you do get seated and rack up.

Sheridan was speaking to online games but he also is correct in many ways to B&M action. Not every table at a B&M gives a crap about what really is happening at the tables. I have played countless B&M tables where it is more a matter of social gathering than serious poker.

The bottom line here is if you think your too predictable then you may be at the wrong table at the wrong time.

Other than what I have said I would agree to comments about changing style of play especially when you can cheaply explore a few marginal hands that have great +EV potential.

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