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Old 11-14-2005, 09:15 PM
DawnToDusk DawnToDusk is offline
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 64
Default Strategy for when you are card dead?

My general strategy for when I first start in a tournament is to play a conservative but strongly when I do enter a pot. I want people to know that I play only premium hands and when I enter a pot they are going to be put to the test. This image works well for me when I play at the local casinos where there is an abundance of weak players in the tournaments. But what do you do if you are card dead?

If I get card dead in the first few rounds, thats not a problem. I am folding most the hands anyways to stick to my starting strategy and creating my image. But what about in the later rounds when the blinds start creeping up on you? Do you go into a superaggressive mode and take any two cards and try to put a move on your opponents/outplay your opponents? Or do you just sit around and wait for a hand to make a move?

I am having a hard time to know what to do when you are card dead. How should my strategy change if for example I have a medium sized stack in a tournament that is about halfway through and the blinds are creeping up to the point where I have to decide to push or fold preflop?
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