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Old 11-25-2005, 07:26 PM
WackityWhiz WackityWhiz is offline
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Default Try to finish these movie quotes

Try your best, I think they are doable, but that's because i'm thinking about the movie and can hear the character's voice in my head. This could be utterly impossible, but I hope not.

1) Suntan Lotion is _____________

2) Richard, were you watching ____________

3) Yes I will go back to school, and achieve ______________

4) Me and Jenny, we was ______________

5) Well look, I already told you! I deal with the goddamn _________

6) He's a pedantic, __________

7) Me, I want what's coming to me.

Oh, well... what's coming to you?


8) I'm sexy. I'm cute, I'm popular to boot. ___________

9) Oh, Lord! Hallowed be Thy name. May our feet be swift; may our bats be mighty; may our balls ___________

10) Gnome matter what

Ethan, that's a troll


11) Do you know how fast you were going?

uuuuummmm 65?


12) 364 more days til __________________ !!

13) There's a spider on your head.

What's that's supposed to mean, there's a spider on my head??


14) whoa whoa whoa, miss lippy, the part of the story I don't like _____________________________

15) Reality isn't father knows best anymore, its a kick in the face on a Saturday night with a steel toe grip kodiak work boot, _____________________

16) Noich, noich, noich, smokin' weed, smokin' weed, doing coke, drinkin' beers. ______________________

17) When I get angry, Mr. Bigglesworth _________________

18) I heard that you were feeling ill. Headache, fever, and a chill. _______________

19) This is your rifle, you will give it a girl's name, because it is the only pussy you pukes will be getting! ______________

20) It's the same thing your whole life. "Clean up your room!", "Stand up straight!", "Pick up your feet!" ___________________________

Bonus points for posting a picture of a scene in the movie beside your answer.

Good Luck!
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