Thread: WTF mate (LC)
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Old 10-24-2005, 07:24 PM
Dave D Dave D is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Wake Forest University
Posts: 66
Default WTF mate (LC)

WTF, why did party decide to axe the ONE tourney I play every day at 8:10 EST (30+3). WHY? Why are there so many tourneys (including the 40k) at really late times that only people on the west coast can play without staying up until ungodly hours (not even Europeans can play them, it's like 9am or so there I think).

Oh yeah, because it's party. Because they're probably the only company anyone can think of with 6B+ in revenue, proportionatly little expenses, and yet worth $1.45 on the London stock market. And that's half of what they were worth in August.

They have no management.

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